Thursday, March 31, 2005

Inserting links at your blog / feed description

This tip was originally posted at Bloglines Forums:
I would like to make a suggestion it may be interesting for you guys.

Have you thought about including links in your blog/feed's description? Most of people don't do it, I guess because they don't know about it or don't realize of potential uses. In my case I have set up a text that links with a "greatest hits" post (inspired by a post from Seth Godin: Are blogs backward?), my Blogger profile, LinkedIn profile and Creative Commons license.
Look at my original blog: Abundando
And then look at my blog's description, as seen from Bloglines: Abundando's feed viewed from Bloglines
In my case I use Blogger to publish my blog so I included those links in Settings/Basic/Description, but I guess you may do the same with other publication tools.

So, people who find my feed at Bloglines (by looking at someone's subscriptions, getting personalized recommendations, related feeds or just googling), are one click away from my "greatest hits" post. Think about it. Instead of stating a mantra or slogan, or in addition to this you may use it to give valuable information to your visitors. It is a chance to send a message to your readers / commentators, to contact with them, whatever the message may be. And you may also change the subject every now and then. Finally it may even help you to turn casual visitors into regular ones.

There are countless uses. For instance:
  1. Other blogs you have.
  2. Last company / project.
  3. Another blog or website you like.
  4. email address.
  5. Blogger profile.
  6. Networking profile.
  7. CV link.
  8. Bloglines subscriptions.
  9. Technorati results.
  10. Some campaign or initiative you support.
  11. Google bombing.
  12. Amazon wishlist.
  13. Stuff on sale at eBay.
  14. Etc.

Hope you may find this tip interesting

You may read this post in Spanish here.

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